Asklepios Lines (2025)

1. Quotes by Asclepius ( of Hermetica) - Goodreads

  • Philosophy should come to know the dimensions, qualities and quantities of the earth, the depths of the sea, the capacity of fire and the effects and nature ...

  • 2 quotes from Asclepius: 'Philosophy should come to know the dimensions, qualities and quantities of the earth, the depths of the sea, the capacity of fire and the effects and nature of all these things in order to admire, revere and praise the divine artistry and intelligence.' and 'The hollow rotundity of the world, which has the shape of a sphere, is itself invisible in its totality, by reason of its quality and its form. Choose any place whatsoever at the top of the sphere to look down below, from there you cannot see what is at the bottom. Because of this many believe the world to have the appearance and quality of a place. For it is only because of the forms of individual things whose images seem to be imprinted on the sphere that one believes it in a way to be visible, since it appears to be like a painting. But in reality it is in itself ever invisible. Hence it comes about that the bottom of the sphere, if it be a part of or place in the sphere, is called in Greek Hades, for idein in Greek means to see, and the bottom of the sphere cannot be seen. Hence also ideas are called forms, because they may be seen as forms. Therefore, too, the infernal regions are called in Greek Hades, because they cannot be seen, and in Latin Inferi, because they are at the bottom of the sphere.'

2. ASCLEPIUS (Asklepios) - Greek God of Medicine & Doctors

  • Asklepios (Asclepius) was the god of medicine. He was also the patron god, and reputed ancestor, of the Asklepiades (Asclepiades), the ancient guild of doctors.

  • Asclepius was the ancient Greek god of medicine. He was the son of Apollon and the Triccaean princess Coronis. His mother died in labour and when she was laid out on the pyre, Apollon cut the unborn child from her womb. Asclepius was raised by the centaur Chiron who instructed him in the art of medicine. He grew so skilled in the craft that he was able to restore the dead to life. This was a crime against the natural order and so Zeus destroyed him with a thunderbolt. Asclepius was depicted as a bearded man holding a snake-entwined staff.

3. Hymn 16 to Asclepius Hugh G. Evelyn-White, Ed.

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4. Asklepieion, reconstruction drawing and plan -

  • Not far from Kos city is the Asklepieion, an ancient hospital, dedicated to the god of health, Asklepios. It was built in 357 BC.

  • Not far from Kos city is the Asklepieion, an ancient hospital, dedicated to the god of health, Asklepios. It was built in 357 BC. The sanctuary was one of the main seats of the Asklepiadai, supposed descendants of Asklepios, who were a hereditary close order of priests, jealous guardians of the secrets of medicine. The technique of healing differed from that at Epidauros and elsewhere, where cures were effected by suggestion. At Kos, as is revealed by inscriptions, patients underwent positive treatment at the hands of physicians on lines laid down by Hippocrates. The sanctuary had the right of asylum. It throve in the days of the Ptolemies and later under Nero. The rich court physician Xenophon (who helped to poison the Emperor Claudius), on his return to Kos, lavished on the sanctuary the statues he had amassed in Rome. Even in the late-Imperial period great baths were built. In the 6th century AD, all was overwhelmed, either by an earthquake or in 554 when Anatolian hordes ravaged the island. The Knights of St. John used the ruins as a quarry.

5. [PDF] The Worship or Asklepios - NCBI

  • were restricted to lines not requiring definite medical attention. Physicians are now found working in harmony with the priests during the first or second ...

6. Pro10 - Faster, Safer & Scalable AAV Vector Production - AskBio

  • AskBio introduced Pro10 in 2010 as a best-in-class cell line for generating novel AAV therapeutics. Learn more about how Pro10 is used in AAV manufacturing ...

  • AskBio introduced Pro10 in 2010 as a best-in-class cell line for generating novel AAV therapeutics. Learn more about how Pro10 is used in AAV manufacturing facilities.

Pro10 - Faster, Safer & Scalable AAV Vector Production - AskBio

7. Ministry of Culture and Sports | Epigraphic Museum

  • According to the inscription, which is carved in four lines, Flavius Epiktetus dedicated the work to Asklepios and Hygeia. Inscribed reliefs or statues ...

  • This is one of numerous comparable sculptures found in the sanctuary of Asklepios on the south slope of the Athenian Acropolis, west of the theatre of Dionysus. The sculpture consists of two feet resting on an inscribed stone base. According to the inscription, which is carved in four lines, Flavius Epiktetus dedicated the work to Asklepios and Hygeia. Inscribed reliefs or statues representing parts of the human body (legs, arms, eyes, ears etc), constitute a special category of the votive offerings found in most of the sanctuaries of Asklepios. They are the ancient equivalent of modern tamata, the small votive plaques depicting parts of the human body, which are placed on icons in order to request the saint's intercession for recovery and good health.


  • Lines 7-10: Three features of the Asklepios festivals are regularly mentioned in these decrees: sacrifice, lectisternium, and pannychis.42 As the second of ...

9. Statue of Asklepios - Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco

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  • This half-size cult statue of Asklepios (the Este type) represents the Greek god of medicine and patron of physicians, who was prayed to for every kind of ailments. His appeal continued into early Christian times. He stands with weight on his right leg, leaning on his staff, with a serpent wound around it--the serpent sacred to Asklepios and his staff, the caduceus, a symbol adopted today to signify the medical profession. During the Hellenistic period there is increased realism in sculpture: his right hand resting on his weight-bearing hip, which is raised in an exaggerated posture over the many deep folds of his draped himation. The contrasting directions (contrapposto pose) highlighting the planes of the body and the strong folds of the drapery produce an elegant spiral twist with a sense of movement. The missing head would have been bearded and had a full mane of hair.

Statue of Asklepios - Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco

10. Greek Medicine

  • He taught Asclepius the art of healing, which became the source of all divine medical knowledge among the Greeks. Chiron was also the teacher of the hero, ...

  • HMD Greek Medicine Exhibition

Greek Medicine

11. Asklepios, Medicine, and the Politics of Healing in Fifth-Century Greece

  • Documenting Asklepios' Arrival in Athens Sources Desccription, Text, and Translation of Telemachos Moument Reading between the Lines The Eleusinian Cult of ...

  • Delving deeply into ancient medical history, Bronwen L. Wickkiser explores the early development and later spread of the cult of Asklepios, one of the most popular healing gods in the ancient Mediterranean. Though Asklepios had been known as a healer since the time of Homer, evidence suggests that large numbers of people began to flock to the cult during the fifth century BCE, just as practitioners of Hippocratic medicine were gaining dominance.Drawing on close readings of period medical texts, literary sources, archaeological evidence, and earlier studies, Wickkiser finds two primary causes for the cult’s ascendance: it filled a gap in the market created by the refusal of Hippocratic physicians to treat difficult chronic ailments and it abetted Athenian political needs. Wickkiser supports these challenging theories with side-by-side examinations of the medical practices at Asklepios' sanctuaries and those espoused in Hippocratic medical treatises. She also explores how Athens' aspirations to empire influenced its decision to open the city to the healer-god's cult.In focusing on the fifth century and by considering the medical, political, and religious dimensions of the cult of Asklepios, Wickkiser presents a complex, nuanced picture of Asklepios' rise in popularity, Athenian society, and ancient Mediterranean culture. The intriguing and sometimes surprising information she presents will be valued by historians of medicine and classicists alike.

Asklepios, Medicine, and the Politics of Healing in Fifth-Century Greece

12. AAV Vectors for Gene Therapy | AskBio AAV Technology Platform

  • Production. Pro10™ is a high-yield suspension cell line that increases overall therapeutic output and lowers production cost ... © 2024 Asklepios ...

  • AskBio's AAV gene therapy technology platform is based on 3 essential components including capsids, promoters and production. Learn more.

AAV Vectors for Gene Therapy | AskBio AAV Technology Platform

13. Asklepios Annual Report 2023

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  • We are resolutely moving forward – side by side with our patients. As a “PioNear”, we develop medical innovations and promote people’s well-being through better care. Get well. Live well. This is what Asklepios stands for.

Asklepios Lines (2025)


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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

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Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.