Iraqi Dinar | Latest Iraq dinar recaps & updates (2024)

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( Updated: )

Official Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) Dinar Rate


1310 IQD to 1 USD

Dinar Market Rate:

(CBI last reported for August-2021)

1475.14 IQD to 1 USD

- Rates Are Within IMF 2% Rule: NO

- Are Rates IMF 2% Rule Compliant for 90 Days: NO

(maintained market rate: Mar. 15, 2018 to 4-20-2020 | 12-20-2020 to 5-26-21 | 6-16-2021 to Unknown date)

(NOTE: rates were out of compliance for 3 days starting 11-5-2019 & 2 days starting 1-7-2020 and from 4-21 to 12-19-2020 |From 5-26-21 to 6-16-21)

NOTE: Stopped daily market rate reporting on 8-11-2021. Began monthly reporting

New Iraqi Dinar Exchange Rate Calculator >>

Dinar Guru "RV" Meters

( Updated: )

Dinar Gurus who feel Dinar will RV within days...


Dinar Gurus who feel the Dinar will NOT "Change" until certain "things" are accomplished...


Dinar Gurus who feel the

Dinar will FLOAT "slowly" upward instead of RV...


Dinar Gurus' Official Master List of Possible Major " To Do's ":

  1. Moved to IMF Article VIII
  2. HCL passed/imp. [Temp 11/2014] [agreed in spirit 12-2014]
  3. Erbil Agreement Impl.
  4. Election Law (DONE! 12/2013 | Amend Dec 2019)
  5. UNSC Chapter 7 (Done?? summer-2013/ Dec/2017 moved to ch VI?? June-2018 Resolution 1487:CBI released from Sanction list. Voted 2-22-2022 Resolution 2621. 8-12-2023 - Iraq appears out of Ch VII but U.S. has not release them)
  6. UNSC Chapter 6 (began 12/2017 ?)
  7. Article 140 impl. (Supreme Court Support 5/2018 - mustimpl.) (8/2019 Federal Court clarifies constitutional force)
  8. Economic/Banking laws passed (more needed)(12-2017)
  9. Investment laws (Voted! 10/2015 Printed 1/2016)
  10. Power Sharing (Done!! 10/2014)
  11. Internationally accepted Dinar
  12. GOI Seated (10/2014) [Done - Fully seated 6-6-2020]
  13. Tariff Law (partial)
  14. CBI & Market rate within 2%-90 days (start ~Mar. 15 2018? Nation wide start ~Nov. 2018)
  15. E.O 13303 (Done 12/2017 - Biden renewed May 2023)
  16. Law of Financial Administration/Financial Management Law (First vote May 2019) | Amend Dec. 2019
  17. CBI Auctions Stopped (partly Done - June 2020?)

"I find your emails to be fascinating they are filled with Life and energy. Just reading them gives me a boost. Peace and Blessings" -E Dinar Guru Member

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8-14-2024 Newshound Guru Militia Man Saleh, financial advisor to the prime minister, has a really good report. "Government Signal: High Export Capacity Boosts Currency Value" He's giving reasoning why certain things will boost value...They're talking about floating and fixed prices...He gives his opinion - Floating seems too aggressive, fixed prices work but a managed float I think is what he's talking about...


Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY:
Television show...the topic was about dropping the zeros from our currency and the introduction of a new currency and the issues of the implementation of this new currency. They had on there a doctor of economics. We don't know him but he is being sent by Sudani...He said...we have low inflation so we can delete the zeros. They talked about how we will be obtaining purchasing power with this move. FRANK: It's exciting to see the monetary reform education now on a daily basis teaching you on your television what you are about to be given...This is the third week in a row they talk to you about lifting the three zeros and about a new currency coming to you and now on the process of how they're going to implement that new currency to you...They continue to reaffirm purchasing power is coming to your currency...

8-14-2024 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Here’s a good one... “Parliamentary committee for Nina-A government team is preparing a new draft of the oil and Gas Law They are letting us know they are moving forward…meetings are happening and they are moving towards completion.

Get caught up on last night's updates belowandif you are not a alert list yet now is a great time to do it...It's free as always and only takes a sec...If you invested in the dinar and spend time on the site you don't want to miss something very important because you're not on the list.Click here to get on the list now.

8-13-2024 Newshound Guru Militia Man Alaq...he's been working hard for the last couple years on what? Getting rid of of the corruption...The rhetoric in the media I think that problem is going to go away. He's here to finish the project to delete the zeros.

8-13-2024 Intel Guru RayRen98 It you didn’t get ready, it’s too late now... looking forward to a bright sunny morning...

8-13-2024 Intel Guru Frank26

[Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY:
CBI spokesman on television talking about the advantages and the different types of floating our currency is going to go through. He said there are two types of float. Free float and managed float. FRANK: ...You are in the monetary reform phase that is educating you on your new exchange rate...lower notes. This campaign is pounding the information about the next step of the monetary reform...Why are you floating your currency? Because they're adding value to it...Be ready at any moment.

8-13-2024 Newshound Guru Jeff The Supreme Judicial Council...are suggesting [Alaq] is going to be forced into retirement. I want you to realize he was only put back in to commission the rate change because they've already printed the new small category notes in the year 2018 and his signature is on them...The timing of his retirement is critical...

8-13-2024 Newshound Guru Breitling Would they revalue their currency right now, wouldn't the US force them to do it? No. They can revalue the currency, they've been able to revalue to the currency any time. The key is their note count. This is what sucks. They could have done it five years ago, ten years ago. Reduce their note count. But once they reduce their note count and they get it up to its value, if they're not situated in the market correctly, it's going to loose its value, people are going to loose confidence in that currency, then it's done for. They're never going to be able to get it back. They'll probably have to re-denominate. That's what they're worried about.

8-13-2024 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Well this is the craziest thing…the CBI have started sending out procedures and instructions on how to handle exchanges to banks…. ...It is clear to me that they are preparing...You can go to the CBI and read it yourselves.

8-13-2024 Newshound Guru Pimpy If it could be proven that [Alaq] was involved with some criminal activity...then he should be out of there and convicted...But if it's all bullsh*t and this is another one of those moves by Maliki and the Coordinating Framework then people have to do something...So we're not sure where this information is coming from. But that doesn't mean you
shouldn't listen to the news, because this person is like, 'See Pimpy, you said there is no fake news.' I did not say there was no fake news but not everything can be fake news.
Just because you don't like the must be fake news. Nope. What you got to get to is the bottom of why this situation is there in the first place...Like anything else you have to be able to sift through the crap that you're hearing and make a decisions on whether the news is real or not...

8-13-2024 Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick

[Iraqi Bank friend Aki in Michigan] Question presented to Aki - Concerning the statement that was made by a representative of the WTO [about Iraq launching a fully convertible currency in October - See Frank26 post below]? AKI: I didn't hear anything about October... WALKINGSTICK: I would call it scuttlebutt because the interpreter was telling me that he says he's not sure about that...but he knows there are rumors out there about when this is going to happen. AKI: I did hear about the WTO guy. Maybe he's talking about a new currency that would be convertible prior to October but there is no mention at the banks about October being the date. If anything I have heard it is before that.

8-13-2024 Newshound Guru Militia Man Article: "Government signal: high export capacity boost currency value" It's an education piece...Why is the country of Iraq and the financial advisers talking...? Because the fact things are changing. They want to make the people aware that there are things happening. I believe give reassurances to why they're doing what they're doing. If you're going to have a value change...people need to have a little bit of a warning...

8-13-2024 Newshound Guru Clare Article: ”Government Advisor: Increased Export Capacity Boosts Currency" Quote: "The financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Dr. Mazhar Mohammed Saleh, stated that the global currency rates are determined in two main ways: floating and fixed prices, indicating that there are many local and international factors that control the strength of the currency, such as supply and demand, interest rates, inflation, growth in the local economy, trade balance, and others"

8-13-2024 Intel Guru Frank26

[Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY:
We have another guy on TV talking about the WTO accession...He is saying the plan for Iraq to release a fully convertible currency is in October of this year. FRANK: The WTO guy needs to shut his mouth...You know very well what Sudani has promised you. And you know very well it's coming...It's not the WTO's prerogative to tell the world this information. The WTO is so desperate to get Iraq into the WTO so they can make money off of them...This guy is trying to spill the beans for his advantage. All I know is that it is happening.

8-13-2024 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goa

t As far as timeframes, my contact told me to watch the progress of the banking reforms that the Feds are pushing. This includes the parallel market rate vs the CBI official rate and the currency auction levels...Today we read yet more articles on the banking reforms now in motion, just as I was told would take place...Yes, measures are being put in place just as my contact told me would happen and the situation with the banks is going to be resolved, and soon...

8-13-2024 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Question: What are the higher rates you are hearing Mark? MarkZ: I cannot tell you….but they are supposedly higher than I was previously sharing…. I was warned to stop sharing rates.

Get caught up on past updates belowandif you are not a alert list yet now is a great time to do it...It's free as always and only takes a sec...If you invested in the dinar and spend time on the site you don't want to miss something very important because you're not on the list.Click here to get on the list now.

8-12-2024 Newshound Guru Clare Article: "Parliamentary Committee to Nina: A government team is preparing a new draft of the Oil and Gas Bill " Quote: "Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani has assigned a tripartite ministerial team to prepare a new final draft that will be presented first within the Council of Ministers for approval, and then sent to the House of Representatives later"

8-12-2024 Newshound Guru Jeff The budget will be overturned by the court, deemed unconstitutional probably by mid-September. Absolutely nothing is going to happen in Iraq till the budget gets overturned by the court. The budget is not published in the Gazette yet. That's still outstanding.

8-12-2024 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] On the bond side it was a little quieter today than I expected...So far I do not have any confirmations of folks sitting with dollars...I do have one that had a conference call today and expects funding tomorrow-about mid day. I hope they receive it.

[Reference MarkZ post 8-12-2024 below]

8-12-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 All this time we've been waiting for the new exchange rate to come out. We've been waiting since the beginning of this year. Nothing. What's going on? It's scheduled. We have the budget, it's ready to go, what's going on? The problem is the thievery, those that steal. The bad politicians in the government of Iraq that steal the money through the CBI
auctions have been tamed...The US Treasury is making all the decisions now


8-12-2024 Newshound Guru Pimpy

We know pretty soon Iraq is going to be here and talking to people in Washington

about what they need to do to get back into good graces, have sanctions lifted on some of the banks and allowing Iraq to move forward with reform without looking for excuses to penalize them every time Iraq does something that pisses off the Biden Administration.

8-12-2024 Newshound Guru Militia Man The Central Bank of Iraq has been on top of it. They've been working in conjunction...with the US Treasury and Federal Reserve to get Iraq to be in compliance with international standards...If you're doing nefarious deals you're going to have a problem...

8-12-2024 Newshound Guru Breitling The key for Iraq - For them not to be dependent on the dollar. If they economy is 100% energy then they're going to be 100% dependent on the US dollar


How do they get their currency outside of that? They have to open up to doing business in completely different sectors... Then they can attach that part of the economy to the Iraqi dinar. And they can add value to the dinar as they see fit. That's always been the underlying goal of what we want Iraq to do...

8-12-2024 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] On the bond side. There are tons of expectations (even this morning) for bond payouts today and tomorrow. We have heard this before but there are some big differences now. Which makes me hopeful that this will be it...And we will see real solid spendable cash with the bond holders. If this occurs…the rumors on the banking side is that by mid-week we could see a schedule –if not actual exchange appointments happening. Cross your fingers and wait to see it this is real. Today and tomorrow should be big for us to find out.

8-12-2024 Newshound Guru Clare Article: "Is “floating the currency” a solution to the crisis of the high dollar in Iraq? A representative explains" Quote: "There are calls to float the exchange rate in Iraq...Floating the currency is a procedure based on liberalizing the exchange rate, leaving it to market factors (supply and demand), to determine its value without any form of intervention by the economic authority...There are two types of floating: the first is absolute floating, and the second type is managed floating, i.e. the type in which the central bank intervenes to direct the exchange rate up or down, as it sees fit to achieve the interests of the national economy."

8-12-2024 Newshound Guru Jeff The Supreme Judicial Council has decided it's time for the current central bank governor to retire. Remember this is his second term. During his first term back in the year of 2018 that's when he printed the new lower smaller category denominations notes with his signature on them. The only reason they put him back in for a second term was to commission the rate change. Now they're saying he's going to be forced into retirement. No retirement date has been provided.

8-12-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 Sudani is working with the United States Treasury. I

MO the Untied States Treasury is sitting in the seat of the governor of the CBI where Alaq normally sits

...I find this to be a catalyst to see the Untied States Treasury there. I'm very excited about what's going on...

8-12-2024 Newshound Guru Pimpy Should he stay or should he go? There's a lot of rumors and stories out there about Alaq resigning or him being pushed out because of his age, it's time for him to retire. Then you got people out there saying, 'Oh, this is all fake news.' Or maybe it's just the fact that there are some corrupt people still in government trying to grab control...of the the Central Bank of Iraq and one of the steps they have to first do is force Alaq out...Is it possible these stories are circulating because they want Alaq out? Did he really take part in some crimes? There's a lot of different scenarios. That's the deal with Iraq, you're not always 100% sure of what's really going on...

8-12-2024 Newshound Guru Militia Man Article: "Referring Al-Alaq to retirement: a legal step or settling political scores?" It's been ongoing for the last few days there's been a suggestion that he was going to resign. There wasn't any meat and potatoes to that...Then they went after his age. They said he was too old. Then now there suggesting there's political scores that are doing this battle and giving bad publicity...Some people out there...made a lot of money, they're not going to any more, off those dollar auctions. They did it for a long long time.

8-12-2024 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat ...we read yet more articles on the banking reforms now in motion, just as I was told would take place... Yes, measures are being put in place just as my [CBI] contact told me would happen and the situation with the banks is going to be resolved, and soon.

Iraqi Dinar | Latest Iraq dinar recaps & updates (2024)


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