You can recall a time not too long ago when you looked... normal. When you didn't feel their stares. When you didn't hear their gasps. When no one thought of you as a monster. Those were the days, huh.
You appear obviously and clearly monstrous, and your powers are tied to your appearance. Choose two, and describe how they make you grotesque.
(at character creation, add +1 wherever you choose)
(-2 to directly engage a threat)
(-2 to comfort or support or pierce the mask)
(-2 to provoke someone or assess the situation)
(-2 to unleash your powers)
(-2 to defend someone or reject others’ influence)
Once you’ve finished your backstory, introduce your character to the other players, and then determine what happened when your team first came together, the relationships between you and your teammates, and who has Influence over you.
When our team first came together...
We drew attention and ire from plenty during the fight. One important person in particular now hates and fears us.
comforted you when you were at your lowestknew you before you changed.
You try not to care what other people think, even if you can’t shut everyone out. Give Influence to one teammate.
Transformed Moves
(Choose three)
When you take a powerful physical blow, you may roll as if you had two fewer conditions marked. If you do, on a 10+ you must choose to lose control of yourself in a terrible way.
When you directly engage a threat in a terrifying fashion, mark a condition to choose an additional option, even on a miss.
When you smash your way through scenery to get to or away from something, roll + Danger. On a hit, the world breaks before you, and you get what you want. On a 7-9, choose one: mark a condition, leave something behind, or take something with you. On a miss, you smash through, but leave devastation in your wake or wind up somewhere worse, GM’s choice.
When you mark a condition, take +1 forward against the person you most blame for causing it.
When you comfort or support someone, if you tell them what you most envy about them, you can roll + Freak instead of + Mundane.
When you frighten, intimidate, or cow others with your monstrous form, roll + Freak. On a hit, they are thrown off and make themselves vulnerable to you, or they flee. On a 10+, choose one. On a 7-9, choose two.
- you frighten others you had not intended to scare
- you hurt someone or break something you shouldn’t have
- you feel like more of a monster afterward; mark a condition (GM’s choice)
On a miss, they react with violence, hatred, and paranoia, and you suffer the brunt of it.
Moment of Truth
It’s so easy to forget that you’re not your body, and you’re not the voice in your head—you’re both. Be the monster, and save them anyway. Smash down walls, and speak softly. Because when you embrace it, you can do anything. Of course, putting on a display like this is sure to rile up those who see only the monster when they look at you…
Team Moves
When you share a triumphant celebration with someone, clear one condition if they treat you like a perfectly normal person and mark potential if they praise your power or abilities.
When you share a vulnerability or weakness with someone, ask them if they think you’re losing or gaining humanity. If they say losing, mark a condition and mark potential. If they say gaining, clear a condition and shift Mundane up and any other Label down.
When you fill your potential track, you advance. Choose from the list below.
Take another move from your playbook
Take another move from your playbook
Take a move from another playbook
Take a doom, doomtrack, and doomsigns from the Doomed playbook
Someone permanently loses Influence over you; add +1 to a Label
Rearrange your Labels as you choose, and add +1 to a Label
Unlock your Moment of Truth
Mutate further and reveal another two new abilities (chosen from any playbook)
When you’ve taken five advances from the top list, you can take advances from the list below.
Unlock your Moment of Truth after it’s been used once
Change playbooks
Take an adult move
Take an adult move
Lock a Label, and add +1 to a Label of your choice
Retire from the life or become a paragon of the city